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Topvorm Twente

Welcome to the website of Topvorm Twente. We are a dynamic physical therapy practice with 2 locations in Enschede, and 1 in Lattrop. Our team consists of 14 physiotherapists who, in addition to general physiotherapy, specialize in sports physiotherapy, manual therapy, psychosomatic physical therapy, podiatry, dry needling and haptotherapy.

There is a direct cooperation with medical specialists, sports physicians, general practitioners, company physicians, psychologists, social workers, and a (sports)dietitian.

Within the practice the cooperation between the different specializations is central, to adequately assist you in achieving your top form as quickly as possible.

Running Therapy

Running therapy is a complementary therapy to mood- and stressrelated complaints. It is suitable in case of dreariness, anxiety- and panicattacks, inexplicable physical complaints, tiredness and signs of a burn-out. Running therapy can provide a valuable addition as treatment to improve your mental and physical conditioning. For employees of the University of Twente there are no costs for the running therapy, click here for more information. For students of the University of Twente there is also an opportunity for Running Therapy, click here for more information.

Sports Physical Therapy

The sports physiotherapists mainly treat patients with shoulder, elbow, hip, groin, knee and ankle problems. Both strain injuries as well as guidance during recovery after an accident or surgery. You don’t need to be very active playing sports, sports physical therapy is a vision and approach of treatment, it is a way of physical therapy for anyone.

Manual Therapy

Our manual therapists primarily treat patients with back and neck problems, and besides providing manual techniques they also frequently provide posture advice. Manual therapy is the therapy of choice for anything spine related.

Psychosomatic Physical Therapy

Psychosomatic Physical Therapy is the specialization which adresses the intimate conneciton between our psyche and physical (somatic) wellbeing. As there is a intertwined relation between our mental wellbeing and physical manivestation of complaints, our specialized psychosomatic physical therapist can provide valuable inside and treatment for most often misunderstood complaints.

Lifestyle coaching

Lifestyle coaching takes into account all facets of our daily life that have an influence on our overall wellbeing and health. Our lifestyle coaches can help you with a longevity approach on a healthy lifestyle. For employees of the University of Twente there is also an opportunity for lifestyle coaching, click here for more information.


Podiatry is the specialty of foot related posture- and orthopaedic complaints. Our sportspodiatrist can assess if custommade inlays are the right treatment for you.

Orthopedic consultation hours

Every Tuesday from 13:30-16:00 there is a common sports consultation hour at the University of Twente sports center location. The consultation hours are held by an orthopedist (dr. Govaert) and one of our sports physiotherapists. It is necessary to schedule an appointment via telephone and to have a referral from your general practitioner. For further information regarding the orthopedic consultation hours you may contact the practice. If necessary, an X-ray, ultrasound and/or MRI might be requested.

Does your insurance cover physiotherapy?

Physical therapy is a treatment that is included in each supplementary insurance. Please note that often only a basic insurance is not enough. Furthermore, as a practice we are contracted by all insurers, so you can rely on us carefree. Of course there are slight variations between insurers and packages. Please check your personal insurance policy with your insurer. Click here to view rates.

AON insurance

If you are insured with AON the policy is different compared to a Dutch insurance. For more information about AON click here.

Note: We do not operate by waiting lists, so you can schedule an appointment for your complaint that same week. Moreover, for physiotherapy and medical fitness we are, by appointment, open until 21.00 every evening from Monday up until Thursday. When you wish to cancel an appointment this should be done at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise you will be charged with the costs. This concerns 70% of the current consultation rate. An appointment not complied with cannot be charged to your health insurance. This is a legislative measure, which also stipulates that healthcare providers may charge a treatment rate for an appointment which was not complied with.

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