An invitation to participate in the lifestyle check with Topvorm Twente.
Together with the University Twente, we offer lifestyle checks for UT-employees. These checks take place during the whole year and are performed in the Sports centre (building 49).
Why should I do a lifestyle check?
During the lifestyle check, an idea is formed of your general health, such as physical fitness and mental wellbeing. How is the general health, are there any obstacles and what are health values? By discussing these with the lifestyle coach, possible health risks can be pointed out.
What does the lifestyle check include?
The lifestyle check takes 60 minutes and is divided in three different components;
1. Questionnaires
A week before the lifestyle check you will receive an email with the title: Je leefstijlcoach heeft een vragenlijst voor je klaargezet. The email itself is available in Dutch and English. This email entails 2 questionnaires and should be filled out digitally the day before the check at the latest.
2. Physical measurements
The measurements are performed by a Technical medicine student en will exist of:
– Blood pressure
– (resting) Heart rate
– Abdominal circumference
– Blood sugar levels (cholesterol / glucose)
– Body fat
– Body Mass Index
3. The check is concluded with a conversation with the lifestyle coach. Here the results of the measurements and questionnaires are discussed.
Based on the results, the lifestyle coach can see if a change in lifestyle can be advised and how this can be realized. Together you’ll determine your personal goals and how these can be achieved.
If desired, a follow-up appointment can be scheduled.
We help you to make a healthy lifestyle basic!
The lifestyle check is performed by our lifestyle coaches and students of the Technical medicine education. We make sure your anonymity is ensured. The results of the lifestyle check are handed to the UT as a group rapport, anonymous and not personally traceable. At the end of the lifestyle check, your results are handed to you in paper. These same results are temporarily kept in a secured personal file in Fysioroadmap, which is only accesable by your lifestyle coach. By doing this, the results and improvements are measurable at a follow-up appointment.
Still have questions? Send an email or a phone call 053-7676020.
Please note that costs will apply when making an appointment if you not showing up.